August 2020 Wrap-Up: In Which Many Books Were Read

Hi readers!

As I am writing this post on the evening of August 30 and knowing there is no way I would be able to/want to finish my current read in 24 hours, I have read 19 books. I’m a bit astonished with myself. School months are always different, but last year, there was a point when I was not very motivated to read and was only able to read one book in the span of about four months, much to my frustration.

I was going to do a discussion post on “reading more,” but I do not want to perpetrate the pressure that is often found subtly (or not) that you have to read a lot. Originally, I was thinking of this kind of discussion post because I was always felt like I had to focus on one book at a time—and sometimes I do. This August, however, I found that buddy-reading books really helps with my motivation as well as my interest in the books I read this way.

I also discovered, in order to not overwhelm my brain with the fact that I am in the middle of multiple books at one time, reading different formats (physical copy, e-book, books from the library in both e-book and physical form) allows my brain to compartmentalize the various stories. I also tried to read a range of genres so nothing feels like it would overlap too much in my brain. For example, the last three books I read this month—Esperanza Rising, A Song of Wraiths & Ruin, and Black Is the Body—were a historical middle grade, a high fantasy, and a collection of essays. If I didn’t really feel like reading one, I could switch to one of the others.

animated books stack into the #1 | Animated book, Animation, Stack of books

Slight diversion, but that was basically my discussion post in two paragraphs! If you guys would be interested in seeing a longer post, let me know in the comments!!

Onto the books I read this August:


Vicious Spirits


I enjoyed this companion to Wicked Fox! My full review is here.

Body Talk: 37 Voices Explore Our Radical Anatomy

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I’m so glad I read this anthology and was able to be a part of the blog tour! My review and blog tour is here.

The Poppy War


My reread was fantastic, to say the least. There is a (hopefully) fun post related to this reread coming to the blog soon👀. I can’t wait to be back in this world again with The Burning God (publishing November 17!).

The Sisters of Straygarden Place

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My review will be published tomorrow! It’s a haunting middle grade story that packs a mysterious punch about families, old houses, and dogs that protect you from your dreams.

The Sound of Stars

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Ahhh The Sound of Stars!! I highly recommend checking this book out if you are into dystopian and sci-fi with a twist. If you like soft romances and lots of discussions on books and music, The Sound of Stars is for you! And it has excellent anxiety rep, too!

The Paper Daughters of Chinatown


So my review is here. 😬

How It All Blew Up

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My review will be out a little later in September. There are some complex thoughts on this one.

Born a Crime


I read this after my mother and sister read it. This was a really cool memoir to read, specifically on Trevor Noah’s childhood in South Africa. I love Trevor Noah’s writing voice and how he tells these stories.

Minor Feelings: An Asian American Reckoning

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I’ve only started reading memoirs and more essay collections this summer, and I’m loving it. I saw Minor Feelings on Instagram and figured why not when I found it at my library. The author is definitely more pessimistic than I am, but I loved the essay(s) on art the best, probably since I study art history and I’m very fascinated with how art can be both an escape and a reflection from oneself and the society you live in.

The Dragon Warrior

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Another reread! Got me prepped for reading The Fallen Hero, and that review will come closer to the release date in October (and a blog tour!). My review of The Dragon Warrior can be found here.



This book and the power of stories and family!! I love love loved this one—especially after reading Mañanaland, I can say that there’s something special about middle grade stories.

The Dragon Republic

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I let out (most) of my emotions in my review, which just went up recently!

The Fallen Hero

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It was cool to see more Chinese mythology (inspired by Journey to the West) in this sequel with new and old cast of characters. Fun things to come in October 👀!

You Should See Me in a Crown

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The EMOTIONS!! I actually cried reading this wow. I’m so glad I was finally able to read this stunning debut! Such a cute romance, great anxiety rep, and great friendships (plus the majority white high school—I felt that).

The Last Olympian


Yet another reread!! I had started reading the Percy Jackson series earlier in the summer, and I finally got the courage to finish the last book, which I read in one day ahaha. Now the question is whether I lug the entire Heroes of Olympus series with me to school…

Don’t Date Rosa Santos

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More emotions!! An intimate look into the lives of the three Santos women, their curse, and Rosa’s desire to see Cuba (she is Cuban, but her grandmother fled the country before Rosa’s mother was born and they have not been back). I really empathized with Rosa’s drive to have a more physical connection with her Cuban identity. How do you resolve with yourself (and others around you) that you are of this culture, yet you have never set foot on the soil of that country? I felt this struggle of Rosa’s, especially since I haven’t been back to China since I left it.

A Song of Wraiths & Ruin


I hadn’t really read a YA fantasy book this month (and in a long time) until A Song of Wraiths & Ruin. And what a perfect dive back into the genre! I loved exploring the West-African inspired world and getting sucked into the city of Ziran with Karina and Malik. There were moments when I wasn’t entirely sure/clear about the magic system, but I got enough of it to understand it’s importance. For those who love competitions that appear in fantasy, the one in A Song of Wraiths & Ruin rides a bit in the background, but it also plays a crucial role in the main plot points. Another thing I loved about this book was the emphasis on storytelling and the power of stories, which I feel like I keep saying, but this is something that always tugs on my heartstrings.

Esperanza Rising


This was another buddy read (I love buddy reading and buddy reading middle grade in particular), and I felt all the nostalgic feels. I read my old copy from when I was in elementary school, and woah, what a throwback. I think I like Mañanaland better (Pam Muñoz Ryan wrote both of these books), but Esperanza Rising still has a special place in my reader’s heart.

Black Is the Body


This summer truly is the summer that I found I love reading essays/memoirs. From Black is the Body by (Dr.) Emily Bernard, I especially liked reading her essays on adopting her twin daughters from Ethiopia. As someone who is adopted, it was really interesting reading the thoughts of an adopted parent, but one who is the same race as her children.


Where the Mountain Meets the Moon

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Another (MG) buddy-read! I remember reading Grace Lin’s picture books, but I don’t think I really read any of her novels, so I’m very excited!

Our Bloody Pearl

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I was given an e-book copy of this book by the author um a year ago *coughs* but I’m finally in a fantasy mood, so I’ve finally started it! It’s an adult fantasy story about sirens (and pirates!!), and it’s #ownvoices for nonbinary and disabled rep! I’m a few chapters in, and I’m really intrigued, thus far—it’s a bit gore-y (full content warnings will be included in my review), but I’m excited to continue reading.

What were some of your favorite books you read in August? What’s on your TBR?

Until next time,

Banner image via Guilherme Rossi on Pexels.

9 thoughts on “August 2020 Wrap-Up: In Which Many Books Were Read

  1. Congrats on a great reading month!! I have Vicious Spirits waiting for me on my TBR, I’m hoping to get to it soon! I also loved ASOWAR, such a great diverse and magical fantasy!! Hope you have an amazing reading month in September! ♥


  2. Omg you did so well!! Literally killed it in comparison to myself who was in a slump and read like 4 fanfics lmao. Truly have like ALL of these on my tbr hehe. Need to get to The Poppy War and You Should See Me In A Crown as I know I’ll love <3<3 Wishing you a lovely September


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